
Entry1  antsavony
Part of speech  2  adverb
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Levona na lany foana, very voaka (tsy fampiasa mandeha irery io teny io fa miaraka mandrakariva amin' ireto teny ireto: lany, very, manary: Tsy hita ny alehan' ireo vola nangonina fa very antsavony tsy hita popòka [1.1]
Explanations in English  4  used only with very, lost, as very antsavony, unprofitable expenditure of time and labour, by turning the attention to too many objects; an undecided and wandering state of mind that wastes time without attaining the object sought after. [1.2]
Tables and plates  5  All the adverbs

Anagrams  6  antsavony, tsy vanona

Updated on 2020/07/31